A Week of Tweets (Nov 9-15)

A Week of Tweets (Nov 9-15)

As a non-celebrity Twitter user, to increase your number of followers, one method is to do more (quality) tweeting. Unfortunately, some of the most well though-out tweets are successful, but an overwhelming majority get buried. I wanted to take some time every Friday to revisit some of the more informative (and sometimes entertaining) tweets that were posted during the busy week. Many of the revisited tweets are selected that are selected by engaged twitter followers, As we build a following, I wanted to begin to sift through the tweets throughout the week, hoping to separate the gems from the rough. These are our top five tweets of the week.


1) A local winery, the law, and its social media success

Read how Whitehall Lane, a 20-year-old winery, reacts to advertising challenges set forth by alcohol laws and how it successfully promotes its business and product in a more positive light through social media.



2) Instagram apps allow more creativity

Cool apps, such as Over and Image Blender, for your mobile device to edit your photos with cool designs, texts and items, making your Instagram posts more unique.



3) Hey Businesses: Interactive content = Sales

Awesome, awesome article. Full of data and case studies of companies on how interactive content is the new leader in sales conversion. I can see myself coming back to this article as a resource for some upcoming projects.



4) Always keep in mind to “make things better” as much as you can

If the first paragraph of following tweet is over your head, stop reading. Scroll to the bottom. There will be an image of a sign with three words. Print it out. Staple it to the wall in your office. Beautiful.



5) Logo of the Day

I’m a sucker for logos. Especially ones that inspire. This does just that.

This a logo that illustrates the artists type of work — combining multiple layers of photos to create a new image.


Honorable Mention:

It has no place in the top 5, so I will give it an honorable mention. It takes me back to the golden (cartridge) days. Just happened to be a fun random tweet. Enjoy it — and your enjoy weekend.

Chris Connors

Chris Connors is co-owner of Tortuga, a web design studio located in Lanoka Harbor, New Jersey. Chris has a passion for graphic and web design, and enjoys working with a variety of entrepreneurs and small businesses throughout the Jersey Shore region.

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